Thursday, June 28, 2012

No time for thoughtfulness today! I'm headed to the hospital soon with the bear and his parents for them to reconstruct his knee.
Wish us luck!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Working Wednesday

Since I have the next few days off in order to take care of the boy after knee surgery, I'm going to have some time on my hands! I'm looking forward to it because the journaling bug has been biting at my butt the last few days. Let's just hope that between that and the book I'm reading, that his parents don't drive us both nuts! Haha
So, In no particular order:

  • Finish backlog of art journal pages from earlier this year that I've been too busy to make. 
  • Complete the surprises I have been making for a certain little bears birthday that's in a week. 
  • Work on Quote Journal...I haven't messed with this one in a while. 
  • Reading Mennonite in a little black dress
  • And of course, I want to add to all the random stuff I've Pinned lately on Pinterest! I really need to find a few that I can do soon. :) FYI, No, the camo/orange stuff is NOT's for the eldest munchkin who wants to decorate her room that way. *insert groan here*

Aries' Horoscope (Mar 21 - Apr 19) From

Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Don't work harder today than is necessary or you could overdo it and exhaust yourself. The gentle Libra Moon means that grace counts more now than brute force, so let your senses be your guide. Flow with the emotional tides, instead of struggling against them. Creativity, rather than productivity, is the business of the day.

(Bwahahaha ok this one made me laugh only because I'm already irritated this morning due to Work BS...hopefully the creativity will kick in though.)


Wednesday, June 27, 2012: Today could be demanding and somewhat frustrating as you find yourself engaged in routine affairs. Focus on organizing your world and opportunity will follow. It's a great day to consider investing in long-term endeavors. Don't let disagreements with a loved one regarding money ruin your day.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday Morning Madness

This weekend was killer in lots of ways. So a wrap up, a to do list and lots of random things..

  • Spent friday with my guys trying to plan housing around teeny tiny little paint/counter/wall swatches and being totally lost to the process the majority of the time. Then racing to get one kid, make it to the courthouse for land deed handling and then racing back for softball all stars game. 
  • I let some one else's bad parenting make me loose my temper Friday evening. It wouldn't have affected me so badly had it not been MY child. When I found out her father didn't bother to feed her dinner before a softball game, I was mad. When He tried to convince me that not eating was GOOD for her, I was livid. She got there at 6:15pm, the game was supposed to start at 7:30pm and at 8pm when it still hadn't started, she was hungry already.
  • The Munchkins team lost 2 games over friday and saturday evening but they played their best and left us all very very proud of them. 
  • It is still difficult to deal with someone's anger & hurt when you love them when their words are directed at you. 
  • This week will see me in Atlanta, helping the boy (mostly against his will, I'm sure) as he deals with being incapacitated from knee surgery and wrangling his parents. It should be quite interesting, considering I've met them only once before and spent very little time with them. 
  • Which reminds me..I have to pack..
  • My aching joints, twitching bedpartner, & fighting cats kept me up most of the night. Lack of sleep made me hit snooze a lot. UGH. 
  • I woke up saturday after sleeping in (blissfully) to the sound of both of them laughing and watching tv together. I smiled and thought how easily I could get used to that. 
  • We walked out under a cheshire cat smile moon on saturday and stood in the middle of where the living room will be together. It's nice to know we're all going to be home soon. 
Time to bring home the bacon...

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Working Wednesday

Things I'm working on this week:

Today happens to be Summer my evening after work will be spent at the labyrinth walking & journaling. I don't see myself as religious, but as spiritual. Solstices & Equinox's have become grounding points for me throughout the year and I try to do this, or something to recognize them where ever I am.

In general, I need to get back to my journal. It comes and goes in phases, but it always helps when I take the time to remember it helps.

Friday we have an appointment to go and deal with house things. I'm excited and nervous.

Friday also starts what could be a 5 day softball tournament for the munchkin..she made all stars and has been practicing every day since. So the weekend plans are dependent on game schedules.

I've been very lax in my exercising over the past few months, with sleep being more important when I could grab it at all. So this week has seen me start back to the daily work and next week (hopefully) will see me start back on the morning workouts. Gawds but 5am comes early!

What's planned for your week?

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Friday, June 15, 2012

First EVER Follow Friday

Ok, first off....yes, the things linked here will quite often be NSFW or younger people etc. etc. All adults? Ok then...

Sex Stuff
I am in LOVE with Liberator's new harnesses, the Valkyrie line. And FYI, no, the don't pay me to say these things..I bought one and was gifted another while at SELF 17 this past weekend. OMG they are awesome! 

Also the Aloe Cadabra lubricant is JUST what it is advertised as...we ended up with vanilla scented (pun intended haha) If you hate the stickyness of most lubes you will love this. 

If it's your type of thing..go. buy. have fun..and tell them I sent you because they are super nice people.

Things & Stuff
Corset Story is my new favorite shop to envy and stalk. I'm one of those people that if given the chance, I'll wear a corset...I only wish they were less shocking in small town alabama! Haha They have fabulously made coresets at great prices and omg omg omg do they have great sales!

THIS is one of the best ideas I've ever seen. I am constantly fighting a battle with cleaning my fridge (Kids, arm issues with the spouse & rushing = spills & messes). I'll be doing that this weekend. to do other stuffs...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

I'm a very bad blogger. Yes, yes, I know..Not like I don't have 9,217 other things going on in my life right now, right? It's not that I don't WANT to write..I'm just..yeah. Time.. always time..

I'm always enthralled by blogs in which people devote themselves to one particular medium...lists, a photo a day, etc...but there's something about the same thing, day after day after day that both draws me in and repels me. I will go on kicks where I eat the same food every day for MONTHS, but then I forget it or I loose interest and it's gone for a while. I'm the same way with creative endeavors. I cook, I write, I sew, I paint, I journal, I bead...I get bored and something else comes along..OOHH SHINY!

For the last 5 years, the majority of my creative energy has been fed into an event that I worked for. At the end of the event this year, I quit. It wasn't a "HELL YES!" was an "Awww...hell!" and sometimes a "Oh HELL no!". So I it's one of the most heart wrenching things I've ever had to do because while I had grown to hate the job in so many ways, I loved it in so many ways as well.

But much like with most things..I'll begin anew. Here. Now.
Unless otherwise enthralled, I'm going to try to post the following patterns:

  • Monday Morning Madness: Wrap up of the weekend, list of things to do..craziness in my everyday life.
  • Take a Picture Tuesday: Theoretically, this should be practice, I tend to forget.
  • Working Wednesdays: Inspired by w Friend, Just Write and So Gay's, Blog a list of the things I'm working on currently..since I can't seem to stick to one!
  • Thoughtful Thursday: Thinking things that are thoughtful...LOOK! I made todays! Woot!
  • Follow Me Fridays: Fun, interesting people you should read and follow...if I'm here, because lets be honest, unless I'm chained to a desk for 9+ hours a day..I'm NOT at a computer. 

Here we go....